How to Go From a Procrastinator to a Serial Goal Achiever?

Hi! My name is Shelby, and I would like to share with you some tips as well as my own experience of avoiding procrastination and learning how to achieve your goals regularly and successfully.
Have you ever thought about why you are just sitting and doing nothing when you have a lot of necessary tasks? The main thing is that you understand all the importance of your goals but cannot force yourself to take at least some measures. Does it sound familiar? Don’t worry, you are not alone. According to statistics, 20% of grown-ups and 50% of students admit that they are avid procrastinators. To be honest, I was one of them. But I managed to solve this problem using some simple but very effective techniques which I want to share with you.
Find out the Causes of your Procrastination
Detecting the actual causes of procrastination is already half the battle. Sometimes it’s just laziness. A person is not used to a fixed schedule, and it can be rather difficult to adapt to working conditions.
However, in most cases, the reason is hidden more deeply. You cannot organize a typical working process without self-control and motivation. You should understand why it is essential to finish a task in time, what is waiting for you in case of failure and what award you can get in case of success.
If it is your first job, you can be afraid of a big failure. Therefore, you cannot force yourself to start working. In case you have been working for a long time, you can be just tired and need a vacation or at least a few days off. If you detect a genuine reason, you will know what to do to get rid of procrastination once and for all.
Set Strict Goals with Defined Deadlines
Setting goals is a necessary condition of overcoming procrastination. It would be a great idea to write them down in a unique diary or calendar. Formulating a goal is not an easy task, but it directly influences the result. Your goals should meet the following requirements:
- Clearance – any purpose should be set up without vague or ambiguous phrases. For instance, you should not write that you wish to lose weight. Instead, state what exercises you will do every day, which products you will eat, and so on.
- Achievability – any goal should be realistic to achieve. You cannot learn a language for a week or lose ten kilos for three days. Evaluate your own abilities, but don’t feel sorry for yourself.
- Meaningfulness – any goal must be substantial enough to achieve success. If you learn only ten words every day, it will take many years to speak fluently. Every goal is your step to success. Believe in yourself, you can really go faster.
All goals in your diary should have strict deadlines. You need to realize how much time is left to plan your day in minute detail. It would be a great solution to design not only the next day but also a week or two ahead.
Work on Your Time Management
It is essential to put into your plan not only some working moments but also time for breaks, rest, meals, and so on. Remember, if you wish to achieve success, you need to sleep and eat well. It is essential to have enough energy during the day. Use the following techniques:
- Divide every mammoth task into parts and make a short break between them. For instance, you can have a 10-minute rest every hour or a 5-minute break every half an hour. Your schedule should depend only on your abilities. But make sure that your tears don’t take all your time.
- Define the priorities of your tasks. You should understand what is vital at the moment and what can wait for a while. Fulfill the responsibilities according to their importance. You can make a to-do list for better results.
- Avoid all possible distractions during the working process. People usually procrastinate because they pay attention to messages or calls, radio or TV, music, or communication with colleagues. Enjoy all these things during the breaks. As you start working, switch off your phone and all other gadgets and focus only on your task.
Reward yourself after finishing every task on time. It is essential to increase your desire to work. If you know that finally, you get a small present, a bar of chocolate, or at least sound sleep, your productivity will be much higher.
So follow these simple tips and achieve your goals without procrastination.
- Alina Tsyhliar