
Steps to Declutter Your Entire Home

Steps to Declutter Your Entire Home

Hi! My name is Shelby, and today I would like to give you some tips about decluttering your house. Even if you do the cleaning regularly, some thi...
  • Alina Tsyhliar
How to Throw an Eco-friendly Holiday

How to Throw an Eco-friendly Holiday

Hi! My name is Shelby, and I am fond of organizing big cool parties. Nowadays, people try to take care of our environment and say no to any celebr...
  • Alina Tsyhliar
Ideas for Gifts with Less Plastic

Ideas for Gifts with Less Plastic

Hi! My name is Shelby, and I wish to share with you some helpful ideas for presents that don’t contain plastic and are absolutely eco-friendly. No...
  • Alina Tsyhliar
How to Eat Organic on a Budget

How to Eat Organic on a Budget

Hi! My name is Shelby, and I am a real fan of organic food. Many people believe that being green is too expensive. Sometimes the price of organic ...
  • Alina Tsyhliar